Tumblr for Android update brings faster load times and a prettier UI

When talking about social networking, there are only a handful of services and websites that can be called truly popular for a very wide public right now. There’s Facebook , Twitter, and Tumblr, or the social trifecta, as I like to call it.

Tumblr, the microblogging platform that you are all probably familiar with, was launched in 2007, but unfortunately didn’t give much attention to mobile users for the first couple of years. An iPhone app was made available in 2009, while we Android enthusiasts had to wait until 2010 to get a taste of Tumblr on our handhelds. Furthermore, the Android app hasn’t exactly been what we all waited for, with a not-so-friendly user interface and slow loading times being just two of the major issues that made users turn their back on it.
However, the Tumblr Android app has just received an important update and the initial feedback indicates that some serious improvements have been finally made. First off, there’s a whole new redesigned user interface, which not only looks pretty great, but is also more interactive and user-friendly.
Secondly, according to the app’s developers, but also to several user reviews on Google Play, the app is consistently speedier as well, with significantly faster load times than before. These two are the most important updates, and, as far as I’m concerned, have come just in time to make more users interested in Tumblr.
The rest of the improvements are themselves pretty important, though, and should make a difference for the regular user. These include better photo browsing, a new feature that allows you to open notifications for multiple blogs in just one place, as well as Tumblr Radar, an editorial post review updated daily on your Tumbleblog by the Tumblr team.
The update is live in Google’s Play Store right now, so don’t hesitate to go there, download it, and try it on for size. After doing that, please check back to our website and let us know in the comments section below what do you think about it, how significant the improvements really are to you, and what else would you change about the app.