Sergey Brin spotted wearing the Google Glasses

As I wrote a couple of days ago, the Google Glass(es) wearable computer is in the prototype development stage. Since then, some more information has unfolded on the groundbreaking technology, which I consider worthy of sharing with you.

Firstly, the original name for the project, whilst it was under development at the secretive Google X labs, was “Project Wingfront” . However, as tidbits of information on the glasses started leaking to the public, Google needed a more general purpose name and chose Project Glass. Apparently, this decision was made in the past month, which ties in with the sudden rush of public interest regarding the project.
The glasses shown off on the Project Glass Google+ page are only one of many prototype versions. Turns out that there are clip-on models that will attach to normal glasses, as well as versions integrated into “regular” looking sunglasses.
Thanks to the popular tech blogger Robert Scoble, who met Sergey Brin (the co-founder of Google) at a recent event, we even have an in-the-wild image of the device.
Scoble went on to say:
“When I first got here I spotted Google co-founder Sergey Brin. He was wearing THOSE GLASSES! He quickly told me it is a prototype. I saw a bluish light flashing off of his right eyeball. I could only guess that my Google+ profile flashed up, or maybe some PR voice said “stay quiet” or something like that. But the glasses are real. Very light looking. Most of the people around us had no idea that these glasses are pretty special.”

Google apparently has a small number of prototypes available internally. It would be great for them to show off and release test models at their Google I/O event this June. Over 10,000 attendees will get to check them out and, if the journalists will like what they see, the Google Glasses project could benefit from a powerful wave of hype that will help purchases take off.
Seth Weibtraub of 9to5Google was told that Google is eager to show off its amazing creation and hopes to get developers on board as soon as possible. Therefore they are likely to make a formal announcement in June. As for a general public launch, Google has no firm plans yet.