Dolphin Browser 8 Beta now available exclusively for Android

dophin android browser
Developed by Mobotap, the Dolphin mobile browser for Android and iOS devices was one of the first alternatives to the standard Android browser. It introduced innovative features such as support for browser tabs, support for add-ons, gesture-based commands, and voice commands. It has become one of the most popular third-party Android browsers.

With the latest Android Dolphin Browser 8 Beta version, the developers have made significant design changes to provide a more polished and better browsing experience, while also making it easier to access various settings. Some of the new features include:
  • Bottom Menu Bar – The Menu Bar is accessible at the bottom of the screen and include new keys such as (from left to right) the Bookmark Sidebar, Forward or Back, Gesture and Sonar (Voice Command) access, Settings, and the Add-on bar.
  • Add-on Bar – An exclusive add-on bar shows the browser add-ons with their full name, removing the need to remember icons. You can find a full list of the browser add-ons here.
  • Both Gesture and Sonar features are easily accessible by tapping the Dolphin icon on the bottom left. The position of the icon can also be moved to the other side to suit your convenience.
  • The background has been changed from dark grey to white.

The changes certainly make for an easier browsing experience and the easy access to both gesture and sonar features is a big help.
The Dolphin Browser v8.0 is still in beta, but you can download it from the developer site here or by scanning the QR code below. After the testing phase, the final release will be available for download from the Google Play Store.

Have you tested out the latest iteration of Dolphin Browser? If yes, what do you think about it? Did the changes make a big difference to your experience? Is there any other updates you were looking for? Let us know in the comments section below.
You can also give direct feedback to the developers by filling out this short survey about your experience here.